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Media Arts Standards 


All of the media arts standards are aligned with the other standards from their states and districts in the emphasis on cognitive habits that students will engage in (for example, analyze, express, perform, make connections), rather than prescribing specific technical skills or pieces of historical knowledge that are to be obtained at different levels.


The skills that students develop in these activities are skills that are necessary for meaningful participation in 21st century life, and the standards often draw connections between learning in the media arts and learning across other disciplines.


Media Arts Standards PDF


The Role of Media Literacy in Arts Education Teaching and Learning:


As defined by the Center for Media Literacy (, media literacy is “the ability to access, analyze, evaluate and create media in a variety of forms.” The media arts standards address the concept of media literacy to varying degrees. 



The Role of Technology in Arts Education Teaching and Learning


Technology isn’t presented as an end in itself, it is meant to be embedded or integrated either with other curricular matter or used as a tool to achieve larger goals of communication and inquiry. So, rather than technology-focused standards Media standards allow for continual evolution. 



Assessment in the case of these student activities are Performance-based assessment: performances, portfolios, and projects.  The determination of differences among portfolio and projects can often be misinterpret but for the case of these activities, material are collected as actual products, videos, or computer archives, and used to create a new media-based product (blog or website/portfolio.)


Below is an example of a single-point assessment rubric used for Website/Portfolio Creation

Feel free to use/modify for any project as needed.




(Sample)Assessment of The Creative Process and Digital Portfolio/Website Creation

(organized around the Artistic Processes and Artistic Components)


Secondary Proficient Assessment Criteria

National Media and Core Art Standards


By: Sarah Ritz Swain

Teaching, Learning, and Record Keeping with Technology:

A great article (and required reading) for teachers and students regarding digital portfolio creation (Blogs and Websites can serve this purpose!)


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